10 Thoughts for my Younger Self
Hi Friends,
Hope everyone's week is off to a great start. Our weekend was relaxing! In fact, I even rested on the couch Sunday as I have been fighting something (tickle in the throat) all last week. I tried so hard to take a nap but it did not work, as it never does! I envy people that are so relaxed and can rest whenever needed! Good for them!
I met someone new recently, through a mutual friend. She was great! Younger than myself but we shared so much in common and she is so chic! What a wonderful experience, meeting new people! We had a great conversation, as she is also a fashion blogger! One question she asked me that I pondered for a bit, was "what would you tell your younger self, today?" I loved the question and the thought process it led me down. I had not one answer but several! I am sharing my list with you... and hope you enjoy it! And as always am open to your thoughts!
1. Be who you want to be... always: don't let anyone or anything define you or tell you who you should, or shouldn't be!
2. Put yourself first...no one else is going to! And you have got to take care of yourself! As women, we put everyone before us but we don't need to.
3. Lighten up: relax and see the laughter and joy in everything. Life is not serious.
4. Only look for the good in others: look beyond differences and faults.
5. Make your smile your signature: it can make an average woman beautiful!
6. Hold your head high, your posture will follow and do everything with confidence.
7. Do some form of exercise everyday: it will make you mentally and physically stronger.
8. Remember to re-invest in yourself and always stay current so that you are cool and relevant as you age! Read, take classes, learn how to do something new and never stop growing!
9. Don't say I'm sorry, unless you have hurt someone, lied or cheated. That word is in many women's daily vocabulary and it does not need to be.
10. Rely on your faith always... it will get you through anything!
My favorite quote is below:
““I have come to the conclusion that the most important element in human life is faith.
If God were to take away all His blessings, health, physical fitnes, wealth, intelligence, and leave me but one gift, I would ask for faith –- for with faith in Him, in His goodness, mercy, love for me, and belief in everlasting life, I believe I could suffer the loss of my other gifts and still be happy....”
In these pics, I am wearing a wonderful black and white checked dress from J.Jill! I love it and plan to wear it all fall. So get used to it!! :) My sandals are Guess. My necklace was found in an antique store and is solid dark blue turquoise. A bit on the heavy side but I love it! My jewelry is Roberto Coin (silver), and David Yurman (silver links) and a pretty white turquoise cuff (compliments of my daughter).
These photos were taken in a small Texas town called New Braunfels in between San Antonio and Austin. The Landmark is a restored historic building on the Comal Canal. Photo credit to Katherine Hannah Conlee.
As always, thank you for reading! I so appreciate you! XXOO