An Outfit for Enjoying Errands
Hi Friends,
It's Sunday and I hope it's been a great weekend so far you and yours! Ours has been great, although we wore ourselves out last night... hanging with our kids! Don't get me wrong, we had a blast but the night went on, and on! So now here it is Sunday and time to get the chores done, which includes groceries for the week ahead. Yes, so mundane, and a waste of time but sometimes enjoyable when you are not in a rush... or tired.
Interesting is the fact that my son and his wife do their grocery shopping online. Both working professionals, they plan their menu for the week and order and pick up twice a week. Rarely are they at the grocery store, except for emergencies (which happens with 2 small children.) They save money, by not impulse buying and feel they stay focused on eating healthier with all the planning.
Although the majority of grocery shopping is done the traditional way, this is expected to change greatly in the next decade. Very similar to the milkman in the past more and more retailers are delivering right to our door. Yes, Gen Y or so called Millennials have embraced this due to their heavy tech reliance, but my feeling is we can learn a thing or two from them and free up additional time for more important things. Additionally, we may reap savings benefits in both in our wallets and our waistlines. It's never a bad idea to learn something new as a perennial!! Let's keep on blooming and flourishing, even as we age.
In these pics, I am wearing a cute crochet swing dress from Anthropologie by Akemi + Kin. It's on sale at a great price. My sandals are gold Jack Rogers and my fab earrings are vintage Betsy Johnson FTC.
Would love to hear your experience with online grocery shopping. If you have not tried it... let me know your feedback.
Have a great week ahead and as always, thank you for reading! XOXO