Hi, there and welcome to my blog! I am Jan; wife, mom, grandma {Nannie}, lifestyle blogger and previously in the corporate world, a sales leader. I live in Fort Mill, SC, just south of Charlotte, NC.

I have many passions; first is family and then fashion, decorating, renovating, thrifting, exercising, traveling, cooking and learning. My individual style in all these things is          where my creativity comes into play. I like to look and feel my personal best! I will not just "throw something on in the morning." I dress for the day.

I love random conversations with friends and perfect strangers. I enjoy talking to anyone. My favorite question: Where did you get you get this or that? My favorite comment: You’re hair is so pretty. Is that real? (Why, thank you. Yes it is!)  Did I mention I have "silver" hair? Some people refer to it as gray but it is truly silver.  Ten years ago, I made the decision to stop the coloring madness, which had been going on for years...almost 22 to be exact. It has been an amazing journey embracing "silver" and I have never looked back! Thank you for following along and please feel free to reach out via comments or email!   jan@silveristhenewblonde.com




Facts about me:

Nicknames: Jannie, Nannie, Maybell, Jantastic, Dee Dee and Jade

Personal Style: Sophisticated and feminine, fun, comfortable {but not frumpy}, edgy at times­

Favorite Color: It’s a tie between red and black

Favorite mode of transportation: My beach bike with a bell and cup holder  {for the occasional beach beverage}

Guilty Pleasure:  A great find at a great price, almond cupcakes with white icing {lots of icing}, a good bottle of wine, shoes, margaritas and Swedish fish

Hard to live without: My family, my dog, friends, my faith, my iPhone, and the beach

Mantra: 1) It’s so easy to be kind… why not!  2) Stay young at heart!

Makes Me Happy: The hope of a new day, adventures, cooking for others, belly laughs or snort laughs, wining & dining, thrifting and crossing the bridge to Hilton Head Island

Dislikes: Frumpiness, mean people, lifting weights (which I do 3X a week), bullies and whiners

Daily Goal: To smile at a stranger and have them smile back!




You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great
— Zig Ziglar